English Language & Literature
Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, "Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow." In Naval Base Secondary School, the English Language & Literature Department believes that the English Language plays an important role - communication. This means being able to think and interact with others in order to understand and be understood.
To develop Navalites to be effective users of the language, the department has put in place strategies and programmes to enhance their skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking. For instance, our Reading Programme seeks to expose Navalites to different text-types and genres. Navalites are also engaged in a range of exciting language learning experiences such as public speaking, language games, creating engaging podcasts, and participating in class debates. Through all these experiences, Navalites are introduced to thinking routines that guide them in idea generation and making their thinking visible.
Navalites can look forward to an engaging Literature curriculum, offered at the lower secondary levels, and as an Elective Humanities subject at the upper secondary level. Literature in English further encourages Navalites to be critical thinkers as they examine the purposeful use of language for impact and in bringing alive the characters, plot, setting, atmosphere, and theme. Through engaging and connecting with the texts, Navalites will also develop a keen interest on societal issues and learn to appreciate different perspectives.
Teaching & Learning - English Language & Literature
Engaging in Socratic Seminars
Video-conferencing with fellow students
Creating podcasts on issues we care about
Immersive writing environments – describing the beauty around us