Physical Education
PE Department
The NBSS PE Department believes that our curriculum should promote not only students' physical, but also mental and social well being. Furthermore, each student should be empowered to achieve success, regardless of size, maturity, coordination, body type or any other physical attributes.
Department Direction
The PE Department is committed to providing quality PE lesson through developing staff capacity by working closely with various agencies like PESTA (pathfinder project) , Cluster PLT team and school internal PLT programme. The PE Department is also committed to our Lifelong Learning Programme, “ Sports for Life: Character Education through SpACE’ (Sports Awareness, Commitment and Empowerment) adapted from the “Pyramid of Success model” crafted by John Wooden.
Goals of Physical Education
1. Acquire a range of movement skills to participate in a variety of physical activities.
2. Understand and apply movement concepts, principles and strategies in a range of physical activities.
3. Demonstrate safe practices during physical and daily activities with respect to themselves, other s and the environment.
4. Display positive personal and social behaviour across different experiences.
5. Acquire and maintain health-enhancing fitness through regular participation in physical activities.
6. Enjoy and value the benefits of living a physically active and healthy life.
Games - Football, Basketball, Frisbee, Floor ball, Badminton, Softball
Napfa testing, Outdoor Education, Physical Health and Fitness and Inter class competitions
Key Programmes